WordPress 是一个以 PHP 和 MySQL 为平台的自由开源的博客软件和内容管理系统,全球有大约 40% 的网站 (7 亿 5000 个) 都是使用 WordPress 架设。WordPress 今天发布 6.2.2 安全更新。
「WordPress 6.2.2 安全更新发布:https://buyit.top/13」WordPress 6.2.2 更新了什么? WP 6.2.2 版本修补了安全漏洞、修正了 1 个问题。详见:WordPress 6.2.2 Security Release
WordPress 6.2.2 is now available!
The 6.2.2 minor release addresses 1 bug and 1 security issue. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All versions since WordPress 5.9 have also been updated.
「WordPress 6.2.2 安全更新发布:https://buyit.top/13」WordPress 6.2.2 is a rapid response release to address a regression in 6.2.1 and further patch a vulnerability addressed in 6.2.1. The next major release will be version 6.3 planned for August 2023.
Security updates included in this release:Block themes parsing shortcodes in user-generated data.
另外,发现一直在使用保护 WordPress 登录页面的 Login Lockdown 插件也更新了,功能更多,还带来了 PRO 付费版本,升级完又降级回去了,这个插件建议停留在 1.83 版本比较清爽。
「WordPress 6.2.2 安全更新发布:https://buyit.top/13」Login Lockdown 1.83 版本官方下载地址:https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/login-lockdown.1.83.zip,有需要备份一下吧,说不定哪天就没了?
「WordPress 6.2.2 安全更新发布:https://buyit.top/13」
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